I dont know what have life been revolving around/about what, sometimes it seems so speedy that it could just pass like a blink, sometimes not, like some kinda slow machine. So far, my life been on track, 9-6 office hours front desk, and going to transfer to a new position, sales co-ordinator. Hope that moment come fast cos.. yea I dont really like being a front desk-er, if its not for the distance, and the money I bet I would have ran a thousand miles long long ago.
So, I am back to school for the last fucking final re-module. very sad case la, I mean I would have graduated and done with diploma but blame who, what? me- yea, ME. stupid me for flunking this 2 stupid mathematics modules :( please lemme clear this round. *prays
As for Jerrome these days, his BMT days are over, POP officially LOH. it was honestly quite a speedy thing to me. and of cos to him.. I kinda miss the times when he just went into BMT. . aww, his uni4, the way he misses home and me and whats not is so cute :)
But anyway he got posted out to storeman due to temporary down pest, which those medical officers will review again probably in May. he's doing a 8-5 thing but we hardly can even meet. sigh. due to my busy schedules, weekends seems extremely precious.
Anyway I took up netball! hooray! its like a dream come true again to me, not kidding! I always loved netball since young days but I never went ahead with the CCA back in Tampines Secondary.. so.. ya.. being able to reminisc and get hold of the ball and position, really makes my life WOW:) teehees.
And oh, I always wanted to visit the old folks home, always had it "circulating" in my mouth or brain but never ever really did. But on.. erm.. 23rd Jan 2011, I did it, for real:) Yes alone. didnt jioed anyone in particular to visit the homes with me. Maybe I did ask Jerrome like "eh if you wana follow me....." but if the response was.. "err see first dont know then say" then I couldnt be bothered.. therefore asking for companion or what is seriously a hassle and loh soh. I mean if I do have someone with me would be even better lah, but I dont know, I was just determined to do it all alone.
The old people are really fragil.. The minute I walked in, I really felt like crying. I just... feel really sad. the only thing which belonged to them at least for now, is the bed. The bed was their closest thing. No kin, No family, No Son, No Daughter, No Grandson, No Granddaughter. Noone freaking fucking bothered to give their poor grannies some visit or what.
I dont understand, why do they fucking wanto put them in the old folks home at the first place. You mean THEY forgottan those ahma were the ones who pull them through the childhood days, the education, the marriage or whatever, just that they are fragil now they decide to abandon just like this, I really is upset:(
_|_ middle finger to these fuckers.
and, jerrome and I celebrated our 21st Birthday together.. it was quite memorable, as the anticipation towards planning was really there. :)
I really hope the day2 pictures dont get lost due to my screwed memory card. sigh, hopefully Titan is able to save it :(((((( *prays
*overall, the entire Jan was fine. :)
PS, I love you Baby
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